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Scott Farquhar Contact Address, Phone Number, Email ID, Website, Office

Scott Farquhar is a name that comes in the top billionaire and businessmen of Australia. Many people from different companies are looking for his contact details but unable to find them. So for all those clients who are asking for some questions like what are the contact details of Scott Farquhar, how to contact Scott Farquhar, what is the email ID of Scott Farquhar, what is the address of Scott Farquhar, what is the name of Scott Farquhar’s company or others. You will get answers to your every question with the help of this article. Some users are interested in connecting with him via social media so for them, we have attached his social profiles here.

Scott Farquhar is the one who founded a software company named Atlassian with his partner Mike Cannon Brookers. His name appears on the top billionaire’s list of Australia. This guy gets his academics education from James Ruse Agricultural High School and his graduation from University of New South Wales in BA and BSc. Apart from his official life, he is married to Kim Jackson and has 3 children. He is mainly known with the title accidental Billionaire because of their software company. You can also read about John Hasting, Eddie McGuire, Nicky Whelan and Nicole Kidman.

About Scott Farquhar

Scott’s Birth Name  Scott Farquhar
Scott Farquhar DOB  December 1979

Scott Farquhar is was born in December 1979 in Sydney. He completed his education from University of New South Wales.

Scott Farquhar Phone Numbers

Scott Farquhar Personal Phone Number  N/A
Scott Farquhar Whatsapp Number  N/A
Scott Farquhar Mobile Number  N/A
Scott Farquhar Office Phone Number  +61 2 9262 1443
Scott Farquhar Fax Number  N/A

You will be able to get in touch with Scott Farquhar with the help of above number. No other personal contact numbers of him are available on the internet.

Scott Farquhar Email IDs

Scott Farquhar Personal Email ID  N/A
Scott Farquhar Office Email ID  N/A

Scott Farquhar has not provided any information regarding his email IDs on his profiles or company’s website.

Scott Farquhar Addresses

Scott Farquhar Residence Address  Point Piper, Sydney
Scott Farquhar Office Address  Level 6 341 George Street Sydney, NSW 2000 Australia

Head office of Scott Farquhar is located at Sydney. Users can only meet him officially by taking appointments.

Official Website: N/A

Scott Farquhar has not introduced any website till this date. When the details are available to us, we will surely publish them.

Social Media Profiles of Scott Farquhar

Facebook Fan Page  N/A
Twitter Handle
Instagram Handle  N/A
YouTube Channel  N/A
LinkedIn Handle

Social media allows you to connect with any person from anywhere. So, connect with Scott Farquhar via Twitter or LinkedIn.