AU Customer Service

Fishpond Customer Service Phone Number, Email ID, Office Address

Fishpond ( is an online e-commerce website which sells books, music DVDs, toys, beauty products, sporting, kitchen products and homeware etc. Fishpond has a huge collection of books and also is the largest book store working in Australia and also have over 1, 20,000 collection of DVDs. Currently there are 55-100 employees working under Fishpond in New Zealand and Australia. The company has created different websites for conducting business in both the countries. The company also provided free of cost delivery.

Fishpond is a private company founded in Auckland, New Zealand in 2004 by Daniel Robertson. He is also the CEO of Fishpond. The company’s staff is located in Auckland, Christchurch, Melbourne and Perth. Fishpond sells over 12 million products. The customers have been known to be very happy with the assistance that Fishpond provides.

The company is based in New Zealand so the customers have been found to have search problems for Fishpond Australia on the internet. In this article we are sharing Fishpond Australia’s contact information, social profiles and some important links related to customer services. This article will solve all the search related problems.

Fishpond Customer Service Contact Details

Fishpond Customer Service Number: N/A
Fishpond Australia has not provided a specific number for customer services. Customers can go to contact page on the website, fill up the enquiry form for required information and get the contact information they need.

Fishpond Customer Service Email ID: N/A
If you want to return your parcel, Ordering & Shipping, Account Payment and Pricing Product Information, you can read all the instruction on their help desk page.

Fishpond Headquarters Address: 9 Airpark Drive Airport Oaks, 2240, New Zealand

Fishpond Office Phone Number: N/A

Fishpond Office Fax Number: N/A

Fishpond Official Website:
The official website contains information about Australian offices and products and services provided by Fishpond Australia. Customers are recommended to visit the official website for all detailed information.

Social Profiles

These social profiles contains more information you require from the company related to reviews and general information.

Facebook Fan Page:

Twitter Handle:

Google+ Profile: N/A

LinkedIn Profile:

Instagram Handle: Instagram/fishpond

Pinterest Profile: N/A

YouTube Channel: N/A

Important Links

Contact Page:
For Contact information, customers have to open the link and fill the enquiry form and get every contact information required.

Frequently Asked Questions:
For help and FAQs, visit the Help Page on the official website through the above mentioned link.

Career Page: N/A
No information for jobs. Customers are recommended to keep visiting the website for all the queries related to jobs.