AU Customer Service

Wilson Australia Customer Service Number, Email ID, Office Address

Wilson Australia (  is an online retail shopping store where you can buy leather goods for women. It deals in bags, wallets, and accessories for women. You can visit the website of the company and can know more about the products and services of the company. It delivers the goods within 5-7 workings days, in case customer is not able to receive the order then company gives a recall card for confirming the day of delivery as per the convenience of the customer. You can do payment through visa card or master card or via PayPal. It was found in the year 2000 by Lisa Wilson and based in Melbourne.

Through this article users can come to know about the contact details of the company and they can contact to the company as per their own convenience like they want to get in touch via phone or through emails. You can search for the social.links of the company that is mentioned in the social pages and contact page and FAQ section for more inquiries.

Wilson Australia Customer Service Contact details:

Wilson Australia Customer Service Number: 

61 3 9596 0616
61 3 9596 0615

For general inquiries, this number is available from Monday-Friday. You will get the correct and genuine answers to your questions from the expert team of this company.

Wilson Australia Customer Service Email ID:  sales@wilsonaustralia 
Customer services email ID is not provided, customers can mail their enquiry by filling a form and mail them.

Wilson Australia Headquarters Address:  N/A

Wilson Australia Postal Address: PO Box 2157, Brighton 3186, Victoria, Australia
Customers can send their queries to this postal address and can order items from this above mentioned address.

 Wilson Australia Office Phone Number: N/A.

Wilson Australia Office Fax Number: 61 3 9596 0615
Users can use this fax number for sending their orders and any related items for order confirmation or anything else.

Wilson Australia Official Website:
Wilson Australia’s official website has all the information customers require. Information related to contacts, products, and services can be accessed through the mentioned link of official website.

Social Profiles

For more knowledge connect with Wilson Australia on social networking, the following are some links to Wilson Australia’s social profiles.

Facebook Fan Page:

Twitter Handle: N/A

 Google+ Profile: N/A

 LinkedIn Profile: N/A

Instagram Handle:

Pinterest Profile: N/A

YouTube Channel: N/A


Important Links

Contact Page:
Do contact with the company through this contact page and you can fill an inline inquiry form for more detailed information about your doubts.

 Frequently Asked Questions:
This FAQ section is created to solve the doubts that are in your mind related to the products and services of the company

 Career Page: N/A