AU Customer Service

Talulah Customer Service Phone Number, Email ID, Office Address

Talulah ( is the most admired and loved lifestyle brand of Australia. It was founded in 2005. Kelli Wharton was the founder. Products of this company give confidence, style and creative and keepsake collections. It is worldwide retailers of clothing.

In this article information provided to customers related to customer services such as customer care phone number, support email id, working hours, office address and for more information visit Customers do not hesitate to contact customer services regarding any inquiry or question.

Talulah Customer service Contact details

Talulah Customer Service Number: 02 6685 7060
This is not toll free number. Assistance is available for the customers who are facing problem. Inquiries and questions are answered by customer service representative through call.

Talulah Customer Service Email ID:
Email your inquiries to the customer service representatives. They will answer as soon as possible.

Working Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 5:30 pm AEST
Support of customer service representative is available during this period only. Answer of calls are given during hours of operations.

Inquiries Details

Inquires Email Phone number
Wholesales 02 6685 7060
Marketing and Press 02 6685 7060
General 02 6685 7060
Orders and Returns 02 6685 7060

For some other inquiries information use them for help.

Talulah Official Website:
For more information visit here. This is e-retail store of the brand, customer can also shop here.

Social Profiles

You can Follow and like these social platforms for further updates.

Facebook fan Page:

Google Plus Page:

Instagram Handle:

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Important Links

Contact Page:
For more details visit official contact page of company. Contact form is also available here. Other enquiries related information is also mentioned.

Frequently Asked Questions:
We recommend you to visit this page for answers of very few basic questions.