AU Customer Service

Harry’s Cafe De Wheels Customer Service Phone Number, Email ID, Office Address

Harry’s Cafe De Wheels ( is a caravan cafe which was opened by Harry Edwards in the late 1930s. It is famously known for its pies and peas. Its menu includes various pies and peas such as chicken pie, veggie pie, pasties, hot dogs, sweets and much more.

Harry’s Cafe De Wheels is famous among Australia for its pies and have 9 major locations in Woolloomooloo, Liverpool, Broadway, Haymarket, Newcastle, Penrith, Tempe, Burwood, Parramatta and more locations to add in future.

The Harry’s Cafe De Wheels call themselves as a home of Sydney’s best pies. The Harry’s Tiger dish is the signature dish of the cafe which is named after the founder Harry Edwards. The cafe prepares pies by hand each day for keeping the quality, freshness and nutrition intact.

Harry’s Cafe De Wheels Customer Service Contact Details

Harry’s Cafe De Wheels Customer Service Phone Number: 0283464100
The Harry’s Cafe De wheels customer service phone number is provided to call and ask about your any type of query related to products and services.

Harry’s Cafe De Wheels Customer Service Email Id: N/A
The email Id is unavailable but a contact form on the contact page is available to send a mail including your query.

Harry’s Cafe De Wheels Head Office Address: N/A
The head office address is unavailable but phone number, fax number and a contact form is available to call, fax or email the query respectively to the company.

Harry’s Cafe De Wheels Head Office Fax Number: (02) 9211 2517
Fax number is provided to fax the questions to the company and they will revert back with answers.

Harry’s Cafe De Wheels Official Website:
The official website lets you to access the menu, history, store locations, news, and more detailed information about the café and the company.

Social Profiles

Like, follow and subscribe the social profiles of Harry’s Cafe De Wheels and know about new pies, store openings, special offers and people’s review on pies and snacks.

Facebook Fan Page:

Twitter Handle:

Instagram Handle:

Google Plus Page:

LinkedIn Profile:’s-cafe-de-wheels

Important Links

The contact us link includes contact details of the company and a contact form to be filled with queries, suggestions and feedbacks.

The Jobs link provide users a chance to work with them if the qualifications of the person matches with the jobs and if the jobs are available at the company.