AU Customer Service

Go Sushi Customer Service Phone Number, Email ID, Office Address

Go Sushi ( is a Japanese restaurant in Australia which provides delicious Sushi rolls, snack packs, lunch packs, platters, Vietnamese rolls, and much more in different flavours and varieties such as chicken, beef, veg, seafood, mixed and much more.

Go Sushi is an Australian owned restaurant which was opened in late 1999 with a motive of providing best sushi which can be eaten both by kids and adults. Now Go Sushi has stores all over Australia and the company is also thinking to open international stores in Dubai and other countries.

Go Sushi provides both online and offline stores so that customers can buy eatables easily. The menu is provided on the official website for ordering online and stores can be visited to have a delight of Sushi at Go Sushi.

Go Sushi Customer Service Contact Details

Go Sushi Customer Service Phone Number: +61 2 9425 6200
The Go Sushi Customer Service phone number is provided to call and ask any queries from customer care executives related to ordering products online or any other questions.

Go Sushi Customer Service Email Id: N/A
Email Id is unavailable but a contact form on the contact us page is available to send mail to the company.

Go Sushi Head Office Address: Go Pacific Retail Pty Ltd Suite 1, Level 1, 71 Longueville Road, Lane Cove
The Head Office address can be visited in case of any queries related to franchisee, jobs, general questions or any other queries and the executives of the company will help you out there.

Go Sushi Postal Address: PO Box 1411, Lane Cove, NSW, 1595, Australia
The Postal Address of the company is provided to send letters and posts to the company.

Go Sushi Head Office Fax Number: +61 2 9425 6215
Fax number is provided to send the queries through fax.

Go Sushi Official Website:
Official website can be visited to check out the menu and order sushi products online. The website also provides location of the restaurants and stores nearby.

Social Profiles

Like, subscribe and follow the social profiles of Go Sushi which lets you to know about the information about company and Sushi products provided by them.

Facebook Fan Page:

Twitter Handle:

Instagram Handle:

Important Links

Contact Us:
The contact us link provides contact details of the company and a contact form to be filled with comments, queries, suggestions and feedbacks.