AU Customer Service

Gladys Berejiklian Contact Address, Phone Number, Email ID, Website, Office

If you are here to find answers of such questions like how to contact Gladys Berejiklian, what is the Whatsapp number of Gladys Berejiklian, what is the residence address of Gladys Berejiklian, Gladys Berejiklian contact details, Gladys Berejiklian email id, what is the office address of Gladys Berejiklian etc then you are at right place. This article will help you to find answers of all these questions. Below you will check her official website and social profiles URLs also. Some personal information may be unavailable due to personal reasons but you can contact her through official details.

Table of Content

About Gladys Berejiklian?
Gladys Berejiklian Phone Numbers
Gladys Berejiklian Email IDs
Gladys Berejiklian Addresses
Gladys Berejiklian Social Media Profiles

Gladys Berejiklian is a known Australian politician. She is a member of Liberal Party of Australia who is currently serving as the 45th Premier of New South Wales (NSW) since 23 January 2017. She is also serving as the 21st Leader of the New South Wales Liberal Party since 23 January 2017. Gladys Berejiklian is also serving as the Member of the New South Wales Parliament for Willoughby since 22 March 2003. Gladys Berejiklian was born on 22 September 1970 in Manly, New South Wales, Australia. From occupation, she is a professional banker and politician. She is also a supporter of Australian republican movement. Presently, Gladys Berejiklian is living in Northbridge.

About Gladys Berejiklian

Gladys Berejiklian Name  Gladys Berejiklian
Gladys Berejiklian DOB  22 September 1970

She was born on 22 September 1970. You can read her full name from the above given table.

Gladys Berejiklian Phone Numbers

Gladys Berejiklian Personal Phone Number  n/a
Gladys Berejiklian Personal Whatsapp Number  n/a
Gladys Berejiklian Mobile Number  n/a
Gladys Berejiklian Office Phone Number  (02) 9439 4199 (Electorate Office)
(02) 8574 5000 (Ministerial Office)
Gladys Berejiklian Fax Number  (02) 9439 9299 (Electorate Office)
(02) 9339 5500 (Ministerial Office)

For any complaints and queries, people can contact her official team and staff members through the above given contact numbers and fax numbers.

Gladys Berejiklian Email IDs

Gladys Berejiklian Personal Email ID  n/a
Gladys Berejiklian Office Email ID

You can send your questions and complaints to her through this provided email id also.

Gladys Berejiklian Address

Gladys Berejiklian Residence Address  Northbridge, Australia
Gladys Berejiklian Electorate Office Address  The Hon. Gladys Berejiklian, MP 280 Willoughby Road NAREMBURN NSW 2065
Gladys Berejiklian Ministerial Office Address The Hon. Gladys Berejiklian, MP 52 Martin Place Sydney NSW 2000
Gladys Berejiklian Postal Office Address The Hon. Gladys Berejiklian MP GPO Box 5341 SYDNEY NSW 2001

In this portion, you can check about her entire offices. You can send your parcels and letters to the above given postal address also.

Gladys Berejiklian Official Website:

Follow this link to visit Gladys official website. On this link, volunteers can read more about her activities and events.

Social Media Profiles of Gladys Berejiklian

Facebook Fan Page
Twitter Handle
Instagram Handle
LinkedIn Profile
Snapchat ID  n/a

Fans can stay connected with Gladys Berejiklian by following these given social networking profiles.