AU Customer Service

Event Cinemas Customer Service Phone Number, Email ID, Office Address

Event Cinema is a group of cinema chains operating in Australia, New Zealand and Fiji under the parent company Event Hospitality and Entertainment. The company has more than 50 movie theatre venues across Australia mainly located in large shopping centers. The cinema complexes of event cinemas has mutiple screen. Event Cinema introduced Gold Class that offer luxury season and food, Vmax which offer large screen & alternate content including gaming, standup comedy events, Bollywood films etc. In New Zealand, Event Cinema operates in major urban centres. Mainly Hollywood blockbusters are shown in the event cinema.

This piece of content shares information about Event Cinemas customer service contact details i.e. Event Cinemas customer service email id and Event Cinemas head office contact details. People can use the details to reach the support team of the company for any assistance.

Event Cinemas Customer Services Contact Details

The customer support team’s main motive is to provide 100 percent satisfaction to its customers by giving proper assistance whenever needed by them. To connect to the customer service department details are given below.

Event Cinemas Customer Services Number: N/A

Event Cinemas Customer Service Email Id:

Those who have used the services of Event Cinemas can provide their valuable feedback or suggestion on this customer service email id. People who have any question or query can also mail their concern.

Event Cinemas head office is located in New South Wales. Find the head office contact details of the company.

Event Cinemas Head Office Address: 227 Elizabeth St, Level 20, Sydney New South Wales 2000, Sydney

Event Cinemas Office Phone Number: (02) 9373 6600

Event Cinemas Office Fax Number: N/A

Event Cinemas Official Website:

Visit the official website of Event Cinemas to know about the location of the company, current movie, upcoming events, Gift Cards & Vouchers etc.

Social Profiles


The social profiles of Event Cinemas will help to provide more information about the company. Click on the links given below to follow its social profiles.

Facebook Page:

Twitter Handle:

Google+ Profile: N/A

Instagram Handle: N/A

Pinterest Profile:

LinkedIn Profile: N/A

YouTube Channel: N/A

Snapchat Profile: N/A

Important Links

Contact Form:

Visit the link to raise any ticket related to any department. Select the department from the drop down menu and fill the enquiry form with your personal contact details.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Visit the link to know about the answers to the frequently asked questions related to Cinema Information, Cinebuzz for Students, Cinebuzz for Seniors, Corporate Sales, Gift Cards & Vouchers, Refunds etc.