Comments on: Clive Palmer Contact Address, Phone Number, Email ID, Website, Office Sat, 06 Jun 2020 07:50:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Caroll Tkalec Sat, 06 Jun 2020 07:50:15 +0000 Hello Mr Palmer

This is nothing political, and I have seen the work you have done, and a kind man.

I don’t want to the sucking up and I know many people ask you for help.

I live in Sydney and rent a place underneath a house which is absolutely disgusting but it’s all I can afford.

I take care of my mother who had a stroke, and we are in dire need for charity, I only received $500 a week for caring for my mother and we struggle I cannot afford carers or but extra equipment that’s needed,.

I’m really crying out for financial help, I do understand that you probably get inundated with help fir charity.

My mobile number is 0401412353, Inline in Rockdale , Sydney, I would like to send you photos of the the conditions we live in.

My name is Caroll Tkalec my email address is I’m on Facebook and you will see very nice photos with my mum, I take her out everyday, she’s wheelchair bound and cannot walk, we try not to stay home because it’s disgusting, the owners won’t paint the place we get mould, it’s very very old, I get very embarrassed to bring people here.

I’m simply just asking for your help, If I could meet you and you could see my place that would help but would be difficult, I can send a tonne of photos of the place, my mother and myself.

It would be nice if someone could help us would truly be helping 2 human beings in great need.

Kind Regards

Caroll Tkalec

By: Kenneth Johnson Tue, 05 May 2020 07:27:01 +0000 I don’t know if you realise that rheumatoid arthritis sufferers like me are symptom free with hydroxychloroquine, but it has become unavailable due to the demand for covid19, for which it is not fully tested. I am looking forward to a lot of pain

By: Lyn Glasroe Fri, 24 Apr 2020 08:19:05 +0000 Hi Clive
Hope you are well.
I have a novel and inventive Intellectual Property for three different medical devices. If you are interested please email or phone 0433287050.
Looking forward to chatting soon.
Kind Regards Lyn
