AU Customer Service

Brand Exclusive Australia Customer Service Phone Number, Email ID, Office Address

This article will provide you all the details regarding Brand Exclusive. This article contains Brand Exclusive’s customer service number, email id and its toll free number. Brand Exclusive is a leading online shopping destination for fashion and accessories in Australia and New Zealand. Brand Exclusive provides a phenomenon customer service support to its users. All famous and reputed brands are available on Brand Exclusive like Ray-Ban, L’Oreal and Maybelline, Marcs, Beatrix OST, Calvin Klein, Shiseido, Edmond Louis and many more.

Brand Exclusive was founded in May 2009. It provides 24 x 7 services to its clients. Its shipping cost varies as per regions. It delivers goods in 2 to 4 weeks. It accepts payment through PayPal and Visa Checkout as well as by credit cards like MasterCard, American Express and Visa.

All the customer’s queries regarding any offers, products, services are entertained by the company’s executives in a very efficient manner.

Brand Exclusive Australia Customer Service Contact Details

All the information about Brand Exclusive is given below. If there is any query of a customer about any offer, products, service they can contact to consumer executives by using the given toll free number.

Brand Exclusive Australia Customer Service Number: 02 9046 4400
This is the customer service number of Brand Exclusive. Customer can call on this number from 9:00 am 5:00 pm on Monday- Friday. But, not on Saturday and Sunday. This is not a toll free number.

Brand Exclusive Official Website:
It is the official website of Brand Exclusive. To know more about their product and services follow the official website given above.

Brand Exclusive Customer Service Email ID:
If a customer wants any kind of information, he/she can contact to the executives of the company. Customers can send their queries on this address and the queries are solved in the best way in the shortest amount of time.

Supporting Hours Of Brand Exclusive It provides 24×7 services to its clients. You can contact their customer executives any time.

Brand Executive Customer Headquarter AddressC2/29, Birnie Ave, Lidcombe, NSW 2141, Australia
If customers want to share feedback with the company, they can send it to this address. Feedback is necessary for both company and customer. This will help the company in improving its performance.

Social Profile

Facebook Fan Page:

Twitter Handle:

We suggest the customers to follow Brand Excusive on social sites like facebook, twitter. Like their page and follow them to know all the latest trends and fashion and to be updated.