AU Customer Service

Billabong Customer Service Phone Number, Email ID, Office Address

Billabong is basically a clothing company also called a surf company. Billabong is public Retail Type Company which besides clothing sells watches, surf shorts, sportswear, hats, kids wear, men and women wear etc. Billabong faced a downfall in 2008 and has risen up after 2012. At present the company itself owns more than 10 brands including Element, Von Zipper, RVCA, Xcel, Sector 9 and Palmers Surf etc. In the mid of 2000, the company first traded on Australian Security Exchange.

Billabong was founded by Gordon Merchant and his wife in 1973 in Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. Gordon Merchant first used to make shorts for surfer and sell it to the surf shops. The durability was long and the business expanded. In 1980s, his shorts began selling in New Zealand, Japan and South Africa. After trading in 2000, the company got funds and expand further. Currently, Neil Fiske is the CEO and Dr. Ian Pollard is the Chairman of the company.

Customers are found to have problems related to search of the company on the internet. This article we are sharing contains information regarding Contact Information, Social profiles and some other important information about Billabong which solves all the search related problems.

Billabong Customer Service Contact Details

Billabong Customer Service Number: 1300 728 064
The customer services number is available from Monday-Friday: 8:30 am to 5:30 pm AEST for online orders and general inquiries.

Billabong Customer Service Email ID:
Alternatively, the customers can send mail to this Email ID for further assistance.

Billabong Headquarters Address: 1 Billabong Place, Burleigh Heads QLD 4220

Billabong Office Phone Number:  +61 7 5589 9899
For general inquiries, customers can also contact the office phone numbers of the company.

Billabong Office Fax Number: +61 7 5589 9800

Billabong Official Website:
For detailed information about products, customer services, jobs related, official website can be visited. Billabong’s official website contains all the information.

Social Profiles

For connecting with company on social media, following are the links for the social profile pages.

Facebook Fan Page:

Twitter Handle:

LinkedIn Profile:

Instagram Handle:

Pinterest Profile:

YouTube Channel: N/A

Important Links

Contact Page:
All the contact information can be accessed on this contact page on the website.

Frequently Asked Questions:
Customers’ frequently asked question can be read here on the page. The link can be used to access the FAQ page.

Career Page:
You can access all the jobs and careers related information with Billabong on this careers page.