AU Customer Service

The Australian Wheatbag Store Customer Service Number, Email ID, Office Address

The Australian Wheatbag Store (  is an Australian eco-friendly business which focuses on the making of ergonomically and exceptional handmade and designed wheatbags with exclusive and latest designs which give a funky look to the bags.  It offers you long, short, shoulder shaped, rectangular small, Waistbelt wheatbag, rectangular large, muff wheatbag, glove wheatbag, large square wheatbag, teddy bear wheatbag, Tommy Hill Finger DIY KIT And many more other designs. It was established in 1995 and based in Adelaide.

Here you can get design and silk screen print on its fabrics. The company thinks that wheatbags must be cool, contemporary as the couch, curtains, and rug of your home.

This article is based on the information of the company related to contact details for the phone number, email address and the store address of the company. You can follow this company on Facebook and get the further details in important links and the official website of the company.

The Australian Wheatbag Store Customer Service Contact Details

The Australian Wheatbag Store Customer Service Number: 61 407 626 755.
The customer services number is available for clearing general queries and this company is available 24 hours

The Australian Wheatbag Store Customer Service Email ID:
This is the customer service email address of the company, users can send their emails related to orders, shipping or anything else.

The Australian Wheatbag Store Feedback Email Address:
If you want to say something to the company means you have any suggestion or want to give feedback for its services then you can send your feedback on this address.

The Australian Wheatbag Store Headquarters Address: No. 5, Fourth Avenue, KLEMZIG, SA  5087
The Australian Wheatbag Store’s Showroom is by appointment only and please call the mobile number below before visiting the store.

The Australian Wheatbag Store Office Phone Number: N/A

The Australian Wheatbag Store Office Fax Number: N/A

The Australian Wheatbag Store Official Website:
The Company has shared all the information on the official website. Customers can access the website through the above-mentioned link.

Social Profiles

These social profiles will help you know more about the company. The Australian Wheatbag Store is not much active on social networking. Following links will help customers out.

Facebook Fan Page:

Twitter Handle: N/A

Google+ Profile: N/A

LinkedIn Profile: N/A

Instagram Handle: N/A

Pinterest Profile: N/A

YouTube Channel: N/A

Important Links

Contact Page:
For contact, related information customers have to go the contact page on the website of The Australian Wheatbag Store and fill an inquiry form to get contact information.

Frequently Asked Questions:
Customers’ FAQs can be accessed on this page on The Australian Wheatbag Store’s official website.

Career Page: N/A.
No jobs related information with the company is available.