Village Cinemas Customer Service Phone Number, Email ID, Office Address

Village Cinemas is a film exhibition brand based in Australia. The company mainly shows documentary, blockbuster, family, foreign language, mainstream films. It was founded in 1954 with headquater located in Melbourne. Currently, Kirk Edwards is the CEO of Village Cinemas. The company also operates in various other forms in international markets either under license operated by other companies or as a joint venture with Village Roadshow. Village Cinemas also follow screen brand concept of Gold Class, Cinema Europe, Vmax where they operated with several international cinema chains. The company also has deals with major film distributors within Australia.

If you have used the services of Village Cinemas then you might be eager to know about VillageCinemas customer service number, Village Cinemas customer service email id or Village Cinemas head office contact details so that you can reach the support team of the company for any assistance. This article share details about Village Cinemas.

Village Cinemas Customer Services Contact Details

Village Cinemas Customer Services Number: 1300 555 400

This is the customer service number of the company. Get instant help by calling on the number. The number is not toll free and normal call rates will apply.

Village Cinemas Customer Service Email Id:

The email id will entertain inquiries related to the services offered by Village Cinemas.

Village Cinemas Head Office Address: 1 Floor, 500 Chapel St. South Yarra, VIC, 3141

Village Cinemas Office Phone Number: (03) 9281 1000

Village Cinemas Office Fax Number: N/A

Village Cinemas Official Website:

Visit the official website of the company to know about the Current Shows, Book Tickets, Company profile etc.

Social Profiles


Links to social profiles of Village Cinemas are shared here. Follow the social profiles to get update about upcoming shows, movies, news etc.

Facebook Page:

Twitter Handle:

Google+ Profile: N/A

Instagram Handle:

Pinterest Profile: N/A

LinkedIn Profile: N/A

YouTube Channel: N/A

Snapchat Profile: N/A

Important Links

Contact Form:

A contact form if shared by the company on the contact us page. Use the form to send your suggestion or questions directly to the customer service team of the company. Provide your personal contact details so that the support team will revert with a proper solution to your question.


If you are looking for job opportunity with Village Cinemas then visit link to know about the current openings, environment at Village Cinema etc.

Frequently Asked Questions:

There are some questions that are common between people and are frequently asked by the team of Village Cinema. Answers to those frequently asked questions are given in the FAQ section. It is advised to read the FAQ section before contacting the support team.



1 thought on “Village Cinemas Customer Service Phone Number, Email ID, Office Address

  1. Once again I will even give this a go. Have just sent a comment but appears that the submit did not go through. I have encountered so much trouble for some time now with the occasional booking on line going through due to “Monkey” and other issues.There is no call centre or any other avenue to fix problems other than going to the theatre. After frustratingly trying to book on line I forget to hand over my Movie Club membership. Recently I have had Grandparents plus 2 to Pets 2 (28/6) Toy Story 4 X 5 (11/7 about 2.15)
    and Lion King for Sat 20/7 at 6pm T/N11182787/001 booked on17/7/19. I think toy story may have worked but Pets 2 (obviously do not have ticket now) and Lion King have not been credited to my Movie Card. I would request, due to the inconvenience, that you credit me on my movie card for these. Could you also advise a contact for checking these other than going to the theatre as it is really difficult for me. I also had to go to my bank to check if money had not come out and tickets had not been sent so double booking was not made as the message came up as tickets confirmed etc.
    Thank you for your consideration. Hopefully the booking site will become much more user friendly in the near future.
    Regards Heather Richardson

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