FlumeAUS Contact Address, Phone Number, Email ID, Website

With a subscriber rank of 3,652 and video view rank of 2,168, FlumeAUS is among top 50 YouTube channel of Australia. FlumeAUS was created on 30th May, 2011. If you love music then this YouTube channel is for you as it shares rising wunderkind, create atmospheric, flume, beat-driven music.

The channel has more than 100 uploads and earns around $4.5K to $72.2K monthly. The channel has its own Flume Store where people can buy apparel, accessories like bags, laptop covers, music CDs, DVDs etc.

Note than all the above stats about FlumeAUS is provided by socialblade survey on 21st March, 2017.

Get in touch with FlumeAUS regarding any query about store, for providing ideas, suggestion, feedback etc.

FlumeAUS Contact Details

FlumeAUS contact email ids for various purpose and other contact details are mentioned below.

FlumeAUS Contact Number: N/A

FlumeAUS can be contacted by directly sending message to the Facebook messenger or other active social profiles.

FlumeAUS Contact Email Ids

Bookings Aus/NZ: booking@futureclassic.com.au

Bookings USA/Canada: lhughes@paradigmagency.com, sgoodgold@paradigmagency.com

Bookings Europe & UK: tom@codaagency.com

Press: Claire@bossymusic.com.au

Management: mgmt@futureclassic.com.au
FlumeAUS has various contact email id for various purpose. Mail your query, offer etc. to the respective contact email id according to the query type.

FlumeAUS Office Address: N/A

FlumeAUS Office Number: N/A

FlumeAUS official Website: flumemusic.com
Get to know about the tour schedule of Flume via their official website.

Social Profiles

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube social profile link of FlumsAUS are shared here. Feel free to follow each of them to get the updates about new music video, collection, offers, news etc.
Facebook Page: facebook.com/flumemusic

Twitter Handle: twitter.com/flumemusic

Google+ Profile: N/A

Instagram Handle: instagram.com/flumemusic

Pinterest Profile: N/A

LinkedIn Profile: N/A

YouTube Channel: youtube.com/user/FlumeAUS

Snapchat Profile: N/A

Important Links

Flume Music Store: shop.flumemusic.comThis is the store launched by Flue Music where one can buy apparel, accessories like bags, laptop covers, music CDs, DVDs etc.

FAQs: shop.flumemusic.com/pages/helpHere are the answers to frequently asked questions related to order, status, shipping, delivery, return etc. asked by the customers. So before you buy anything from the Flume store it is recommended to read the FAQ section first.

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