Darrell Lea Head Office Address, Headquarters Phone Number, Email ID, Website

In this content, we will write down the answers of all general queries by customers about Darrell Lea head office department like how to contact Darrell Lea head office, what is the headquarter address of Darrell Lea, what is the office phone number of Darrell Lea, what is the official email id of Darrell Lea, Darrell Lea fax number etc.

Darrell Lea (dlea.com.au) is the privately-held retail and family-owned company. It is an Australian confectionery treat creator. It was founded in 1927. It is owned by the Quinn family. Harry Lea is the founder. It was named after the owner’s youngest child name. The main headquarters is located at Ingleburn, New South Wales. Products offered by them are chocolates, liquorice and confectionary items. Today, Darrell Bernard Lea is one of the key persons of this business. It is 100% owned Australian brand and website. All the contact details are Australia based. They are the biggest privately owned Australian manufacturer of confectionary. This company is committed to quality of product along with safety of food.

Read About: Darrell Lea Customer Service, PepsiCo

About/Wiki Darrell Lea

Who is the founder of Darrell Lea? Harry Lea
Who is the CEO of Darrell Lea? Tim York
When did Darrell Lea found? 1927

The company was founded in 1927 by Harry Lea.

What are the Head Office Phone Numbers of Darrell Lea?

Head Office Contact Number +61 2 9933 3300
Head Office Fax Number N/A

The number given above will help you to make contact with it’s head office supporting team.

What is the Head Office Email IDs of Darrell Lea?

Customer Service Email ID customer.service@dlea.com.au
Head Office Email ID n/a

The head office email id of Darrell Lea is not available. You can send your queries to this given email id.

What are the Office Addresses of Darrell Lea?

Head Office Address Darrell Lea Confectionery, 3 Brooks Road Ingleburn, NSW, Australia

The main headquarter of Darrell Lea is located in Ingleburn, NSW, Australia.

Official Website: darrelllea.com

Through this link, you can visit their site and check the list of its available products.

Social Media Profiles of Darrell Lea

Facebook Fan Page  facebook.com/DarrellLeaAus
Twitter Handle  twitter.com/darrelllea_au
Instagram Handle  instagram.com/darrelllea
YouTube Channel  youtube.com/channel/UCgnWQvveon50HwCh_5g89bw
LinkedIn Profile  linkedin.com/company/darrell-lea-confectionary-co-pty-ltd

All official social media profiles of Darrell Lea have listed above.

Important Links

Contact Page: dlea.com.au/contact-us
This is official contact page of the company. Visit here regarding feedback and inquiries form, store location, sponsorship details, for sending favorite recipes and list of products for dietary requirements.

Store Finder: dlea.com.au/contact-us/store-finder
Enter Postcode or address here to find the location of nearest retail store.

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